Adult Ministry
Pastor’s Bible Study | Sundays at 6:00pm | Library
Often named the fifth gospel, the book of the prophet Isaiah has more to say about Israel’s coming Messiah than any other Old Testament book. This prophet declared that the year of the LORD had come and God’s people needed to either step up, or stand down. But too often, when Isaiah speaks today, God’s people have trouble hearing. Why? We often miss the larger context. In The Epic of Eden: Isaiah, Dr. Sandra Richter takes participants back to the eighth century BC. This ten-week study explains Israel’s religion and economy, explores the definition and role of the prophets, and helps us to apply the message of this great champion of the faith to our lives today.
Divergent Path Sunday School Class | Sundays at 9:30am
The Epic of Eden: Deborah looks at the Book of Judges and how it narrates one of the most chaotic and morally dark eras of Israel’s story. Many speak of it as Israel’s “Wild West,” where the heroes and the villains stand only inches apart. Into this morally-ambiguous time comes one of the most unlikely leaders of the biblical text—the prophet Deborah. She is a wife and mother in an entirely patriarchal world, yet due to her integrity and courage, she transforms chaos into order and leads Israel in one of the most pivotal victories of the settlement period.
FaithWalkers Sunday School Class | Sundays at 9:30am
God wants us to flourish. He delights in our flourishing. Life isn’t always fun, but it can always be fruitful in Christ. In Chasing Vines: Finding Your Way to an Immensely Fruitful Life, renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Beth Moore invites readers to discover the true meaning of a fruitful life through the lens of Scripture. Drawing from the Gospel of John, she explores practices of abiding in Christ, pruning, and bearing fruit. Join us on this journey.
LifeGroups @ MBMC
LifeGroups are Wesleyan-style small groups (class meetings) of 10-12 people who meet weekly in host homes. We currently have three LifeGroups meeting! You are welcome to join us! For more information and host home addresses, contact Rev. William Lucas.
Prayer Group | Tuesdays at 9:00am
Every Tuesday morning, we will come together in the Library for an informal prayer time. We will go to God with whatever is on our hearts, while also praying for our community, our families, and our church.
Senior Adults | XYZ (Extra Years of Zest) Game Day
Our Needle Arts Ministry meets on the 4th Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm in the Parlor. This group of loving volunteers makes prayer shawls and other items for members in need in our community.
Needle Arts Ministry
Our Needle Arts Ministry meets on the 4th Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm in the Parlor. This group of loving volunteers makes prayer shawls and other items for members in need in our community.
Mont Belvieu Methodist Women
The Mont Belvieu Methodist Women's ministry is a dynamic group dedicated to community engagement and scholarship support. They organize garage sales to raise funds for scholarships, host social gatherings, and quarterly church-wide potluck events. Additionally, the ministry showcases their creativity by making and selling wreaths, with proceeds contributing to the scholarship fund and helping provide Christmas gifts for college students. Through these initiatives, they foster a sense of community while actively supporting educational opportunities.
For more information about Adult Ministry, contact Rev. William Lucas.